Creating a spore with Secp256k1 lock

In this walkthrough, we will get hands-on with the process of constructing and sending spore/cluster transactions on the Testnet (Aggron) by using the Secp256k1Blake160 lock for these transactions.



Step 1: Environment Setup


  1. Open your terminal and clone the spore-sdk repository:

git clone <>
  1. Navigate to your spore-sdk directory (make sure to replace the pathname with yours) :

cd ~/projects/spore-sdk
  1. Install dependencies by running the command:

pnpm i
  1. Once installed, build your local packages with:

pnpm run build:packages

Your environment setup is now ready if all commands execute without errors!

Step 2: Explore the Example


In your terminal, navigate to the Spore Secp256k1 examples directory:

cd examples/secp256k1

You will find the example code stored in examples/secp256k1/apis. Feel free to experiment with the code.

Step 3: Construct and Send a Spore Transaction


To create a spore on-chain, execute the apis/createSpore.ts example by running the command:

ts-node apis/createSpore.ts

This script will construct and send a transaction to create a spore on-chain. If successful, a Transaction Hash will be returned. You can use this hash to review your transaction details on the CKB Explorer.

What's Next?

Congratulations! You've successfully constructed and sent a spore/cluster transaction on Testnet (Aggron) and used the Secp256k1Blake160 lock for your transactions. Use these Spore examples as a starting point to further explore and develop with the Spore SDK. Keep experimenting!

(Optional) Customize Configurations


  • Terminal

  • Spore Secp256k1 example

  • Your testing accounts (optional)


If you wish to use your testing accounts or modify the SporeConfig of the examples, you can do so in the examples/secp256k1/utils/config.ts file:

// Inside utils/config.ts

export const defaultSporeConfig: SporeConfig = {
  /* Your custom SporeConfig */

export const accounts: string[] = [
  /* Your private keys */
(Optional) Use Your Own Accounts


  • Terminal

  • Spore Secp256k1 example

  • Generator Tool website

  • Nervos Faucet website


If you prefer to start with a clean environment for testing, you can replace the default testing private keys with your own in the examples/secp256k1/utils/config.ts file:

// Inside utils/config.ts

export const accounts: string[] = [
  /* Your private keys */
  1. To generate a new private key for testing, open the Generator Tool website, click the refresh icon to generate a new account, and copy the generated account's Private Key (256-bit) from the Private/Public Key block. Replace one of the default testing private keys in the examples/secp256k1/utils/config.ts file with this new key.

  2. To claim faucet for your new account, copy the generated account's Nervos CKB Address from the Default Lock (Secp256k1-Blake160) - Testnet block, open the Nervos Faucet website, paste the address into the address input, and click the Claim button. Wait for the faucet process to complete.

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